Struetural Analysis of Straight Chain Branched Chain and Unsaturated Fatty Acids by GC-MS-DS in Marine Sediments
Graphical Abstract
Fatty acids were extracted from marine sediments of OKINAWA Troughin the eastern part of the East China sea. The complete fatty acid mixtureswere derivatised as methyl esters (FAME) using COCL-CH_3OH solution, theseFAME mixtures were isolated with thin layer chromatography (TLC) to getmono-fatty acids which were identified by GG-MS-DS usiug a flnnigan 4515equipped with a fused silica capillary column, fragment ious m/e 55, 69, 83,M-32, M-74 and M~+ were used as indicators for unsaturated fatty acid methylesters, fragment ion m/e 74, 87, 143, M~+ and relative retention time of GCwere used for the determination of saturated normal, iso, anteiso, 10-Methylisoprenoid fatty acid methyl ester. The results show that straight chainFAME were distributed with a series of C_(12): o to C_(30): o and branched chainwere ranged from i-C_(13): o to i-C_(19): o, ai-C_(15):o to ai-C_(17): o as well as isopr-C_(17): o and 10-MeC_(16): o and unsaturated FAME were recognized as C_(16): o toG_(19): o.