Accurate Measurement of Methylmercury in the Fish Tissue CRM by Species-Specific Isotope Dilution-LC/GC-ICPMS
Graphical Abstract
The fish tissue certified reference material is designed and prepared mainly for evaluating the determining accuracy of methyl mercury in sea fish or other seafood, as well as for a quality control standard. The property value was certified by three different methods, including high performance liquid chromatographic -cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry(HPLC-CVAFS)method and species specific isotope dilution mass spectrometric analysis (IDMS) using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer as detector after liquid chromatography (LC-ICP-MS) or gas chromatography (GC-ICP-MS). The experiment included spiking, extraction, derivatization, separation and detection procedures. The ERM 464 tuna fish reference material was used as the analytical quality control standard. The results obtained from three different methods were in good agreement. And the statistic average values were used as certified values of methylmercury in the fish tissue CRM.