Study on Mass Spectra of Multifunctional Group MOleeules Ⅳ—The Fragmentation Mechanism
Graphical Abstract
The accurate mass and metastable ion detections of symmetrical molecule 2,6—(bisdimethylaminomethyl)—4—ethyl phenol dihydrochloride demonstrated. (1) the respective fragments m/z 176, 191, 192, 193, 161 are formed from molecular ion M~+ on the fragmentation mechanism via various cleavage modes; (2)the base peak at m/z 191 is formed with the loss of a neutral molecule via the ortho effect; (3) the base peak m/z 191 may further be cleaved to form fragments m/z 147, 132, 91; (4) the cleavage of C--N bond in side chain of amine group attached to benzene ring is simillar to the symmetrical molecules and on the contrary, dissimilar to the asymmetrical molecules in which the C--N bond is stable and does not cleave.On the basis of fragmentation mechanism~(1.2), comparison between the ortho effects of asymmetrical and symmetrical molecules showed obvious distinctions of them.