Mass Spectra of Some 1-substituted-5-Trifluoromethyl-imidazole-4-Phosphonates and-4-Carboxylates
Graphical Abstract
The mass spectra of sixteen 1-substituted 5-trinuoromethy-limidasole-4-phospho-nated (1~8) and-4-carboxylates (9~16) are reported. The fragmentation pathways have been studied usinghigh resotution mass spectrometry and metastable ions measure-ments. The spectra of compouns 1~8 exhibit molecular ion peaks of low intensity. For spectra of compounds 9 ~16 pronounced molecular ion peaks were observed. A rear-rangement involving C2H5 and C2H4 tranfer from oxygen atom to nitrogen and carbon atom of imidazole cycle for compounds 1~8 are described.