
Certification of Cd in Rice Validation Samples

  • 摘要: 大米是我国居民的传统主食之一,其安全与否关乎民生。针对一些地区存在大米镉污染的现象,本工作制备了4种大米的系列比对考核样品,并测定了其中的镉含量。制备过程采用气流粉碎、混匀技术;定值则采用同位素稀释质谱法,定值结果与标准加入法相核验,获得了量值分别为(149.5 ±3.8)、(181.8 ± 5.1)、(387.4± 9.3)、(436.8 ±13.6)μg/g的4种比对考核样品;其不确定度评定考虑了定值过程、样品的不均匀性及不稳定性等各因素。定值过程中,着重研究了Sn核素及Zr、Mo等氧化物对Cd测量的干扰。研究发现:112Sn对112Cd、114Sn对114Cd的质谱干扰、Zr的氧化物对112Cd产生质谱干扰均可忽略不计;4个样品中Mo含量较高且浓度不同,同时样品中112Cd/111Cd、114Cd/111Cd接近天然镉的同位素比值。说明无论是112Sn、96Zr16O、96Mo16O、95Mo16O对112Cd、111Cd的影响均不大,但其引入的不确定度应予考虑。


    Abstract: Rice is one of thetraditional Chinese foods and its safety is important to Chinese people.Currently, Cd contamination in rice is a serious problem in China. In this paper, 4 rice matrixsamples were developed. During preparation airflow crushing technique wasapplied. Furthermore, IDMS was applied for certification and external additionmethod was used for validating the results. During certification, isobars basedon Sn, Zr, Mo et al were studied. The results show thatisobars of 112Sn on 112Cd, 114Sn on 114Cdand 96Zr16O on 112Cd, 96Mo16O,95Mo16O on 112Cd, 111Cd can beneglected, respectively, but the uncertainties derived from isobars will betaken into account. 4 samples with Cd content of (149.5±3.8)μg/g,(181.8±5.1)μg/g,(387.4±9.3)μg/g,(436.8±13.6)μg/g,respectively are available. The uncertainties derived from certification,homogeneity test, stability test are taken account into the combineduncertainties.


