
Approach to Improve the Analysis Sensitivity of the Positive Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer

  • 摘要: 灵敏度是反映热表面电离质谱(TIMS)性能的重要指标。导致仪器灵敏度降低的因素很多,随着仪器测试年限的延长,分析判断更为复杂。本工作从正热表面电离质谱(PTIMS)的基本工作原理出发,总结得出,金属带材料、金属带空间排布、点样方式、仪器的真空条件等是影响热表面电离质谱测试灵敏度的主要因素。在前人的研究基础上,结合自身的实践经验,针对上述各因素提出了提高测试灵敏度的方法和建议。影响测试灵敏度的各种因素是彼此紧密联系、相互影响的,实际操作中应灵活掌握提高灵敏度的方法。


    Abstract: The analytical sensitivity is the main performance indicator of the thermal ionization mass spectrometer(TIMS). There exist many factors which lead to sensitivity deterioration of the spectrometer with using it year by year. Sometimes, it is actually difficult to find out the exact reason and figure the deterioration out. On the basis of the fundamental of the positive thermal ionization mass spectrometer(PTIMS), this paper summarized several main factors influencing on the analytical sensitivity, such as, materials of metal band, filament configuration, sample loading and high vacuum condition. This paper described the above factors how to affect the analytical sensitivity in detail and proposed several rational solutions. At the end of each section, maintenance suggestions for the spectrometer were putted forward.


