
Review of Analysis Methods of Impurity Elements in High Purity Silicon

  • 摘要: 高纯硅广泛应用于光伏产业与电子信息产业,其中杂质的种类与含量是影响其性能的重要指标。根据杂质的不同属性,对高纯硅中杂质的质谱及非质谱分析测定方法进行了分类与综述,分析了各种方法的优缺点及应用现状。金属杂质元素的测定方法主要有辉光放电质谱法(GDMS)、电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)、二次离子质谱法(SIMS)等质谱分析方法,以及原子光谱法、中子活化分析法等非质谱分析方法;非金属杂质元素的测定方法主要有二次离子质谱法、气体提取-专用测定法等非质谱分析方法。对于高纯硅纯度分析,质谱和非质谱分析方法分别在金属杂质元素和非金属杂质元素的测定方面显示出优势。


    Abstract: High purity silicon is widely used in photovoltaic industry and electronic information industry, in which the impurities are an important factor of affecting its performance. According to the different properties of impurities, the MS and non-MS methods of determination of impurity elements in high purity silicon were classified and summarized, and the merits and demerits of these methods as well as their present application were analyzed in this paper. The detection methods of metallic elements mainly include both MS methods such as GDMS, ICP-MS, SIMS etc., and non-MS methods such as AAS, AES, NAA etc. Whereas for non-metallic element, the determination methods are mainly SIMS method and non-MS methods such as CGHE-IR/TC, IR, etc. For high purity silicon purity analysis, MS methods have apparent advantages for the determination of metal impurity elements, whereas for nonmetal impurity elements, non-MS methods show an advantage.


