
Assessing of Sample Preparation on Oxygen Isotope Measurements Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 二次离子质谱是目前测定高精度珊瑚微区原位氧同位素组成的唯一技术手段。本实验从取样的厚度和深度两方面探讨了制靶技术对珊瑚氧同位素测定的影响。研究发现,切取珊瑚片的厚度从3 mm变化到5 mm时,珊瑚基体效应(IMFcoral)变化幅度为1.02‰;分析面距离传统方法(IRMS)取样面的深度从0 mm变化到3 mm时,IMFcoral变化幅度为0.7‰。实验表明,过厚的取样厚度会造成靶面较多气泡,影响珊瑚氧同位素测试;而取样深度的差异会导致时间效应和生命效应相互叠加,使珊瑚基体效应偏离正常值,对研究珊瑚基体效应的一般性规律造成明显的干扰。当取样厚度小于3 mm,取样深度与IRMS取样面保持一致时,IMFcoral为-2.75‰,该数值与前人的估算值(IMFcoral=-2.8‰)在误差范围内一致。因此,在制靶过程中,取样厚度不宜超过3 mm,取样深度应与IRMS取样面保持一致,可将制靶的影响降至最小,从而获得准确的珊瑚氧同位素分析的基体效应值,该结论可为推广二次离子质谱在珊瑚研究中的应用提供技术保障。


    Abstract: The secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is the most adapted instrument for in situ oxygen isotope measurement of the coral samples. In situ analyses by SIMS have been limited because of the significant matrix effect, where the chemical composition and crystal structure affect the instrumental mass fractionation. The experiment was designed to evaluate the interference effect in this paper. The overall variability in IMScoral in thickness variation was 1.02‰ (from -3.36‰ to -4.38‰), and about 0.7‰ in depth profile variation (from -2.75‰ to -3.45‰). In both cases, these variations could be related to changes in gas bubble on surface, time scale and vital effect. Changes in gas bubble may result in deformation of the electrostatic filed applied on the surface of the sample, which deviated the trajectory of 16O- and 18O-. It is clearly important to consider depth profile in estimating the ages of analyzed coral. The oxygen isotope was strongly influenced by the composition of the culture seawater and surface sea temperature (SST) that change over time. Therefore, understanding the analytical artifacts caused by sample preparation is significant for improving estimates of this coral matrix effect, which is a key part of SIMS and determines the veracity of data. Meanwhile, when the thickness was less than 3 mm and depth equal to IRMS sampling surface, IMScoral was -2.75‰, which was comparable to the previous estimates of corals (IMScoral=-2.8 ‰) within the error range. Therefore keeping the thickness of the coral sample less than 3 mm and depth equal to IRMS sampling surface is adequate to avoid interference on oxygen isotopes. This work guarantees the accuracy of in situ oxygen isotopes of coral and facilitates the SIMS application in coral geochemistry study.


