
Effect of Substitution Sites of the Nitro Group on UV Photodissociation of Protonated Nitrobenzimidazole Isomers

  • 摘要: 为探究硝基取代位点对硝基苯并咪唑类分子紫外光解离的影响,本研究通过将傅里叶变换离子回旋共振(FT-ICR)质谱仪与可调谐紫外激光器相结合,分别对2-硝基苯并咪唑(2-nitrobenzimidazole, 2-NBI)、5-硝基苯并咪唑(5-nitrobenzimidazole, 5-NBI)及7-硝基苯并咪唑(7-nitrobenzimidazole, 7-NBI)3种同分异构体的质子化离子进行紫外光解离(UVPD)质谱和光谱研究。实验结果表明,UVPD可以有效区分3种同分异构体。从UVPD光谱来看,2-NBI对应的光谱吸收带可延伸到360 nm左右,而5-NBI与7-NBI的光谱吸收则分别截止在290 nm和300 nm。UVPD质谱的碎裂离子比碰撞诱导解离(CID)实验中产生的产物离子丰富,其中一些离子的产生体现出明显的波长依赖性。结合理论计算,对3种离子的主要解离通路进行研究。对于2-NBI,可以测到m/z 147、146,分别归因于咪唑环N原子上的1次和2次H原子转移最终导致的OH·和H2O丢失。对于5-NBI,由于其硝基距离咪唑环较远,无法发生类似的H原子转移,故只能观察到由于O丢失而形成的m/z 148碎片离子;而对于7-NBI,其硝基介于苯环与咪唑环之间,仅能够发生1次H转移,所以只能测到m/z 147(OH·丢失)碎片离子。最后,对m/z 134、106碎片离子的产生通道进行了详细分析和讨论。


    Abstract: To investigate the effect of substitution sites of the nitro group on the UV photodissociation (UVPD) of nitrobenzimidazole isomers, UVPD mass spectra and spectra of protonated ions of 2-nitrobenzimidazole (2-NBI), 5-nitrobenzimidazole (5-NBI) and 7-nitrobenzimidazole (7-NBI) were studied by a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer combined with a tunable UV laser. Experimental results showed that the method of UVPD can distinguish the three isomers effectively. Although the UVPD spectrum of 2-NBI extended to about 360 nm, the UVPD spectra of 5-NBI and 7-NBI ended at 290 and 300 nm, respectively. As to UVPD mass spectra, the dissociation products were more diverse than the ones observed in CID experiments. And the yields of some ions significantly depended on the wavelength applied. Combined with theoretical calculations, the most important dissociation channels for the three ions were investigated in detail. For 2-NBI, two fragment ions of m/z 147 and 146 were observed, which were formed by the loss of OH· and H2O resulting from one and two H atom transfers on the N atom of imidazole ring, respectively. For 5-NBI, the process of H transfer couldn’t happen due to the long distance between the nitro group and the imidazole ring. Therefore, only fragment ions of m/z 148 by the loss of O atom were observed. For 7-NBI, its nitro group located between the benzene ring and the imidazole ring, thus only one H atom could be transferred. Therefore, only the m/z 147 (OH· loss) fragment ions could be formed in the process. The channels for the generation of fragment ions of m/z 134 and 106 were also analyzed and discussed in this paper.


