快速GC-SPI-TOF MS走航监测大气中挥发性有机物

Fast GC-SPI-TOF MS for Onboard Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air

  • 摘要: 挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)是近地面O3和二次有机气溶胶的重要前体物,VOCs的监测和达标管控已成为国家环境保护的重大需求之一。本研究研制了一种快速气相色谱(gas chromatography, GC)单光子电离(single photon ionization, SPI)飞行时间质谱(timeofflight mass spectrometry, TOF MS)设备与移动车结合的新型VOCs走航监测系统,建立了SPITOF MS模式与快速GCSPITOF MS模式协同走航的VOCs监测方法。采用PAMs和TO15标准气体评估系统性能,结果表明,该系统在识别同分异构体以及鉴别GC共流出组分方面具备出色的检测能力,TO15样品中2种模式下92%物质的信号强度重复性均优于500%,100%物质的保留时间重复性优于030%,典型VOCs的检出限在028×10-9~850×10-9之间,均能够满足国家或地方的标准限值要求。将该系统应用于某化工园区环境空气VOCs的走航监测,结果表明,在实现高时间分辨率(秒级)的同时,还鉴别出某一污染高值点位m/z 120的物质为正丙苯,并从可疑企业A(1,2,3三甲苯)和B(正丙苯)中成功精准定位排放企业。快速GCSPITOF MS是一种快速且精准的VOCs走航监测设备,可以为我国VOCs监测、治理和管控提供装备和数据支撑。


    Abstract: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important precursors of groundlevel ozone and secondary organic aerosol, and its monitoring and emission control are very necessary for national environmental protection. Under the guide of policy and demand, onboard monitoring technology for VOCs becomes popular. The onboard monitoring technology has high spatial and temporal resolution and high efficiency for VOCs monitoring, which has become the hotspot technology in VOCs rapid monitoring filed. However, when there are many target compounds with the same quality, there is only one peak in the mass spectrum for these compounds obtained by the traditional onboard monitoring technology with the method of single mass spectrometer, which reduces the detection precision. Therefore, dual mode VOCs on-board monitoring system including SPI-TOF MS model and fast GCSPITOF MS model were established by developing fast gas chromatography (GC)single photon ionization (SPI)time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) devices combing with mobile car. When VOCs were monitored by the on-board monitoring system, the SPI-TOF MS mode was firstly used to analyze the VOCs in air by the process of driving, and the results of realtime qualitative quantitative analysis for each point of VOCs were obtained. When high value point of VOCs pollution was found, the car was stopped, and the analysis mode was switched to GCSPITOF MS to determine whether there were compounds with the same m/z, which aimed at ensuring the speed of onboard monitoring and improving the detection accuracy at the same time. During the research, the performance of the system was evaluated by PAMs and TO15 standard gas. The results showed that the system had a good detection ability for isomers and coeffluent components from GC. The reproducibility error of signal intensities were lower than 500% for 92% compounds by both SPI-TOF MS mode and GC-SPI-TOF MS mode, the reproducibility error of retention time was lower than 0.30% for 100% compounds, and the detection limits for typical VOCs species were between 0.28×10-9 and 8.50×10-9, which were better than the national or local testing standard. The system was applied to VOCs monitoring at an industrial park. With high time resolution (in seconds) monitoring ability, m/z 120 was identified for normal propyl benzene which came from suspicious enterprises B. Rapid GCSPITOF MS is a quick and accurate monitoring equipment for VOCs, which not only improves the ability of equipment for VOCs monitoring, but also provides data support for VOCs emission management and control in China.


