
Mass Fragmentation Characteristics of 4 Synthetic Cathinone Isomers

  • 摘要: 采用气相色谱-静电场轨道阱质谱(GC-Orbitrap-MS)和超高效液相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱(UPLC-QTOF-MS)分析1-3,4-(亚甲二氧基)苯基-2-乙氨基-1-戊酮(N-ethylpentylone)、1-3,4-(亚甲二氧基)苯基-2-甲氨基-1-己酮(hexylone)、1-3,4-(亚甲二氧基)苯基-2-二甲氨基-1-戊酮(dipentylone)和1-3,4-(亚甲二氧基)苯基-2-丙氨基-1-丁酮(N-propylbutylone)4种具有相同分子式和相似化学结构的卡西酮类新精神活性物质,采集了各物质在电子轰击离子化(EI)和电喷雾离子化-碰撞诱导解离(ESI-CID)模式下的高分辨质谱信息,推测各碎片离子的结构和裂解途径。4种物质在EI模式下的质谱图高度相似,基峰离子为N游离基中心诱导α断裂产生的C6H14N+,均存在亚甲二氧基取代卡西酮类物质的特征离子C8H5O3+和C7H5O2+,但C6H14N+进一步裂解产生的低质荷比碎片离子存在差异;ESI-CID模式下的质谱图有显著区别,通过M+H+丢失H2O、氨基等产生的碎片离子可以确定不同位置的烷基取代情况。本研究总结了4种物质的质谱区分特征,可为卡西酮类物质尤其是同分异构体的鉴定提供参考。


    Abstract: Synthetic cathinones, the designer analogs of the naturally occurring cathinone found in Khat, largely entered the recreational drug market at the end of the 2000s. They are a large class of new psychoactive substances (NPS) often used as substitutes for cocaine, which may cause psychostimulant and hallucinogenic effects and a number of fatalities worldwide. N-Ethylpentylone, one of the most famous synthetic cathinones on the clandestine market, was controlled in China since September 1, 2018. Recently, three uncontrolled isomers of N-ethylpentylone, namely hexylone, dipentylone and N-propylbutylone, were identified in the suspected samples. In order to investigate the mass fragmentation characteristics of synthetic cathinones with similar chemical structures, the four isomers were analyzed using gas chromatography-Orbitrap mass spectrometry (GC-Orbitrap-MS) and ultra high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time of flight-mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MS). High-resolution mass spectra were obtained by electron impact (EI) and electrospray ionization-collision induced dissociation (ESI-CID), and the structures and fragmentation pathways of main product ions were deduced. Under the EI mode, four isomers presented similar mass spectra with same base peak ion C6H14N+, which was originated from the α-cleavage of the C—N bond, the dominant fragmentation pathway of all synthetic cathinones. C8H5O3+ and C7H5O2+, the characteristic ions of cathinones with methylenedioxy substituted phenyl ring in the molecular structure, were also observed for all of them. However, there were variances in the low m/z ions generated by further cleavage of C6H14N+. Under the ESI-CID mode, the mass spectra were significantly different from each other, hence the alkyl substitution at different positions could be determined through the fragment ions generated by loss of H2O, amino groups and other groups from M+H+. By investigating the mass spectrometric characteristics of the four isomers, their key distinguishing features were summarized, which provided a reference for the identification of synthetic cathinone, especially the substances with similar chemical structures.


