
A Rapid Method for Determination of the Hydrogen Isotope of Inclusions by Sealed Quartz Tube

  • 摘要: 传统的包裹体中氢同位素制备分析方法操作繁琐、效率低,且易造成样品的相互污染。本研究建立了密封石英管法:将包裹体样品在真空条件下密封在单个的石英样品管中进行加热爆裂,收集并纯化爆裂出来的水,转移至装有铬粉的石英管中,焊接后集中起来加热还原,再对其进行氢同位素分析测试。密封石英管法对于国际标准物质IAEA-CH7能够获得高精度的氢同位素分析数据(-100.4±1.0)‰(n=20)。同时,分析了2个包裹体样品,结果分别为(-66.1±1.0)‰(n=6)和(-74.7±1.0)‰(n=6),具有很好的重现性。由于包裹体样品可以集中批次统一爆裂,可简化操作流程、提高实验测试效率、节约时间。同时,单个石英样品管也可有效避免样品之间相互污染的问题。


    Abstract: Hydrogen isotope of water in quartz inclusion was measured by sealed quartz tube method. The quartz inclusion sample was first loaded into a quartz tube and then evacuated and sealed. The water was purifed and moved to another quartz tube which contained Cr powder. The quartz tube was evacuated and sealed. This sealed quartz tube was put in muffle furnace at high temperature to produce hydrogen gas for hydrogen isotope analysis. The measured δD value for IAEA-CH7 is (-100.4±1.0)‰(n=20), displaying a high reproducibility. Meanwhile, two quartz inclusion samples were analyzed, which have δD values of (-66.1±1.0)‰(n=6) and (-74.7±1.0)‰(n=6), respectively. The result is good enough and demonstrate the reliability of this method. The sealed quartz tube method has a large sample throughput, time saving and avoid contamination among samples as occurred in the conventional method.


