
Study on Thermal Decomposition of 2-Chlorobenzalmalononitrile

  • 摘要: 邻氯苯亚甲基丙二腈(CS)作为催泪剂在各国反恐防暴装备中得到了广泛应用。实际使用时,燃烧和爆炸驱动分散CS形成气溶胶的同时会导致其分解。为提高CS的利用效率,有必要研究其热稳定性和热分解性能。本工作应用热重分析与差示扫描量热法(TGA/DSC)研究CS在不同升温速率时产生的热失重和热效应现象,并与傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)联用对逸出气体进行分析;用热裂解与气相色谱-质谱(PY-GC/MS)技术研究CS在350~650 ℃的热分解性能。实验发现:CS在96 ℃附近熔融;310 ℃附近沸腾;450~550 ℃之间发生首次热分解,热分解产物与温度有着密切关系,550 ℃的分解产物有4 种;650 ℃的热分解程度加深,分解产物多达 10 种。因此,建议CS与烟火剂混合使用时,烟火剂的燃烧温度以不超过450 ℃为宜。


    Abstract: As a dacryagogue, 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (CS) is widely used in the equipment for anti-terrorism and anti-riot in many countries. Explosion and combustion are used to disperse CS to aerosol in the air, and then make it decomposed. In order to improve the utilization efficiency of CS, there is necessity to study its performance of thermal stability and thermal decomposition. In this paper, thermal weight loss and thermal effects of CS were measured by thermal analysis (TGA/DSC) technique at different heating rates. Moreover, the properties of evolved gases were analyzed in combination with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The performances of thermal decomposition of CS were investigated at the temperatures ranging from 350 ℃ to 650 ℃ in thepyrolysis apparatus by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). It has been found that CS begins to melt at 96 ℃, boil near 310 ℃ and initially decompose between 450 ℃ and 550 ℃. The types of product are increased with the rise of temperature. In detail, CS is decomposed to four products at 550 ℃ and the amount of products is up to ten products at 650 ℃ when the thermal decomposition deepens. According to the experimental results, the pyrotechnic mixture for tear gas munitions should not burst above 450 ℃.


