
Study of Carbohydrate Compounds at Different Temperatures by Pyrolysis-Gas Chrometography-Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 探讨了在无氧条件下200~800℃温度范围内碳水化合物葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖的热裂解行为,利用GC/MS定量和半定量测定其裂解产物,讨论了部分产物与裂解温度之间的关系。实验结果表明:温度低于600℃时裂解产物随温度的升高而变得复杂,蔗糖中有机酸的总量高于葡萄糖和果糖;700℃时对人体有害的苯系化合物生成,其相对含量随温度明显升高,葡萄糖、果糖中有机酸总量显著高于蔗糖;800℃时稠环类化合物明显增多。这些特征可为卷烟产品设计提供一定依据。


    Abstract: The pyrolysis characteristic study of carbohydrate compound such as glucose, fructose and sucrose at different temperatures was performed under anaerobic conditions. GC/MS was used for the quantitative and semi-quantitative analysis of the pyrolysis products. The relationships between some products and pyrolysis temperatures were discussed. The result indicates that the component is complex with the increase of temperature, the percentage content of organic acid produced by sucrose is higher than that produced by glucose and fructose when the temperature is below 600 ℃ ; the benzenoid compound is formed at the temperature of 700℃ ,its content is increased with temperature, the percentage content of organic acid produced by glucose and fructose is insignificantly higher than that produced by sucrose; the percentage of furfuryl compounds produced by fructose is higher than that produced by others. These characteristics can be helpful for the future elucidation in the design study of tobacco products.


