
Some New Developments of the Interface for HPLC/MS

  • 摘要: 本文介绍1989年第四十届匹兹堡分析仪器和应用光谱报告及展览会上推出的二种新型HPLC/MS接口,即离子喷射和粒子束接口。在叙述其工作原理和应用的同时,还与目前已有的四种接口(传动带法、直接液体导入法、热喷法及动态FAB法)进行了比较。


    Abstract: Two new kinds of the interface for HPLC/MS, i.e. ion spray and particle beam presented on the 40th Pittsburgh Conference in 1989, are introduced in this paper. Their principles and applications are described in detail, and their performances are compared with current HP/LC interfaces, i.e. moving belt, direct liquid introduction, thermospray, and dynamic FAB.


