To Recommend the Resin Bead Technique
摘要: 本文介绍了在铀和钚的同位索及同位素稀释分析中采用的新的涂样技术—树脂颗粒技术。用树脂颗粒作为载体,样品离化效率比用液体载体约高一个量级,而且简化了制样过程,减少了放射性污染。Abstract: Anion resin bead as a new coating technique used for isotope and isotopedilution analysis of U and Pu is reported. By using of the bead as loading vehiclethe ionization efficencies of samples are about one order of magnitude higherthan those loaded with solutions,the process of sample preparation is simplifyed.and the radiation hazard is also greatly reduced.