
System Calibration on Determination of Uranium Isotope of Uranium Isotope

  • 摘要: 本文提出了一种用于热电离质谱法测铀同位素丰度的可靠的准确的系统校准方法。显著的系统误差主要来自分馏效应和测量电路(其中包括收集器)的非线性。其余的误差因素都被当作随机误差处理了。而系统误差可以藉助两个修正因子,即分馏效应修正因子和非线性修正因子加以修正。用上述方法,以NBS铀标准参照物为核准标准,在丰度比200:1到1:200的范围内,准确度好于0.3%。


    Abstract: This article puts forward a reliable accurate method of system calibrationfor thermal ionization mass spectrometry of uranium isotope. First of all, the authors recognize that the significant systematic errorresults from fractionation effect and nonlinearity of measuring circuit includingthe collector. The residual error factors are treated as random errors. Thesystematic error could be corrected by means of two correction factors, i. e.fractionation correction factor and nonlinearity correction factor. The described above method had been adopted with NBS SRMs as thecalibration standards, the accuracy could be better than 0.3% in the abund-ance ratio range of 200:1 to 1:200.


