Accurate Measurement of Element Compositions Using a Low Resolution Mass Spectrometer With Time Mark
摘要: 在低分辨(R=1000~2000)条件下,质谱峰要获得精确质量定标往往是困难的。本方法是在紫外记录器上记录参考峰和样品峰的同时,记录一系列时间标记,测量这些峰的中心时间,用曲线拟合方法求出时间—质量的函数关系,进而计算谱峰的精确质量。本文主要讨论了时标发生器的电路设计、系统的误差分析和计算机程序设计。实验结果表明本方法可在低分辨条件下获得精确质量,误差小于0.008a.m.u。Abstract: The measurement is based on Brophy's method, but the circuit of timegenerator is modified, and the method of curve fitting is used for the massnumter determination of mass spectra. In the paper, three problems are des-cribed: (1) the design of circuit of time trace generator; (2) the analysis ofsystem error; (3) the computer programming. This method can be used todetermine accurate mass number with low resolution. The error is less than0.008 a. m. u. It is recommend especially to those who possess a mass spectro-meter with resolution of 1000 or higher as a means of obtaining element compo-sitions.