
Analysis of Volatile Constituents of Chinese Medicinal Herbs by Flash Distillation--Capillary Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Ⅱ)

  • 摘要: 本文采用闪蒸毛细管气相色谱——质谱法对高良姜和四川桔皮的挥发性成份进行了分析,并与常规分析(水蒸气蒸馏——溶剂萃取)方法进行了对照,两者结果基本相同。本文还对闪蒸分析的条件进行了探讨。实验结果证明,闪蒸分析是研究中草药挥发性成份的一种简便、快速、有效的方法。


    Abstract: In present work, the volatile constituents of Chinese medicinal herbs, therhizomes of Alpinia officinarum Hance, the peel of the fruit of Orange havebeen analyzed by means of flash distillation/capillary gas chromatography/massspectrometry. The results obatined were similar to that of ordinary methodsof steam distillation-extraction. The conditions of flash distillation have beenstudied. These experimental results proved that such a method was a promis-sing tool for analysis of volatile constituents of natural products. Its main fea-tures were quick performance, simple manipulation and micro quantity of bio-logical sample used.


