
Studies on the Calculation of δ~(18)O Value of CO_2-H_2O Equilibirum

  • 摘要: 本文提出了一个用CO_2—H_2O平衡法测定水中氧同位素组成的新的计算公式,并进行了数学推导。与Craig的计算公式比较,本公式直接表示的是样品水的δ~(18)O SMOW值。式中无分馏系数α,简化了质谱测量和计算工作。


    Abstract: A new expression and its mathematical calculation for estimating δ~(18)Ovalue in water by using CO_2-H_2O equilibrium technique have been proposed.In contrast to Craig's original expression, the new one shows δ~(18)O SMOWvalue in water sample directly. Using this expression the mass spectrometricmeasurement and calculation could been simplified without fractionating factorα and the calculation of (α+ρ)_/ρ value is omitted.


