Four hopanic acids and one hopenic acid were identified in total fattyacid mixtures, the total fatty acids were extracted from sea floor OKINAWATROUGH sediment, tbe total fatty acid mixtures were derivatized as fattyacid methyl esters(FAME) using CH_3COCl-CH_3OH solution, these FAMEmixtures were separated with thin layer, chromatography (TLC) to get mono-fatty acid methyl ecters and hopanoid acid methyl esters which were identifi-ed by GC-MS-DS, main fragment ions m/e 191, 249, 263, 369 with relativeintensities and M~+ were used for indicating hopanoid acid methyl esters: massspectrum of 17α(H), 21β(H)-homohopanic acid (α,β-C_(31)H_(52)O_2) methyl es-ter whose base peak is m/e 191 and fragment ions are 249, 369 and M~+ 470;mass spectrum of 17β(H), 21β(H)-homohopanic acid (β,β-C_(31)H_(52)O_2) methylester whose base peak is m/e 249 and fragment ions are m/e 191, 369 and M~+470; mass spectrum of 17α(H), 21β(H)-bishomohopanic acid (α,β-C_(32)H_(54)O_2)methyl ester whose base peak is m/e 191 and fragment ions are 263, 369 andM~+ 484; mass spectrum of 17β(H), 21β(H)-bishomohopanic acid(β,β-C_(32)H_(54)O_2) methyl ester whose base peak is m/e 263 and fragment ions are m/e 191,369 and M~+ 484. In another mass spectrum, base peak is m/e 189 and frag-ment ion m/e 263 and M~+ 482 which was examined for α,β-bishomohopenicacid (α,β C_(32)H_(52)O_2) methyl ester, fragment ion m/e 189 points to a doublebond in ring A or B. The analytical results are very useful to research theconsisting of materail in the early diagenesis.