
To Enhance Sensitivity for Pu Analysis with a Single Grain of Activated Charcoal

  • 摘要: 本文叙述了一种提高钚离子发射的技术。将活性炭烧结在铼带上,钚样品溶液滴在炭粒上,可使质谱分析灵敏度提高一个数量级以上,有效地改善了钚同位素分析精度。在改进的ZhT-1301质谱计上灵敏度可达1离子/60原子,可分析0.1—20毫微克钚的同位素组成。


    Abstract: A technique for enhancing ion emission from plutonium is described. Asingle grain of activated charcoal on the Re filament is used in order to loadsamples and determine the isotopic composition of plutonium for sample from0.1 to 20 ng. One ion can be collected for each 60 atoms loaded. The sensi-tivity of this technique is more than one order of magnitude of that usingdual filaments. and it is capable of providing more precise data.


