The Mass Spectra of 1,2-Oxaborolanes Derivatives
摘要: 本文报道24个1,2-氧硼杂戊环衍生物的质谱,研究不同取代基对质谱断裂的影响。2-氧取代基-1,2-氧硼杂戊环,如果在取代基的β-位有杂原子存在,则杂原子对硼有配位作用,可形成分子内络合物结构,其配位键的强弱次序为N>O>Br>Cl。不同的轻氧基(OR),分子离子峰的强度也明显不同。2-苯基-1,2-氧硼杂戊环有强的分子离子峰及骨架重排离子m/z 91,从质谱图上可观察到这个化合物在空气中的自氧化现象。双-1,2-氧硼杂戊环衍生物能在生成稳定的1,2-氧硼杂戊环离子,两环中间为碳链时,容易发生环外碳氧键和碳碳键断裂,当两环中间为苯环时,分子离子峰较强,邻位、间位和对位三种异构体的质谱不同。Abstract: The mass spectra of twenty four 1, 2-oxaborolanes derivatives have beendetermined and the mass spectrometric fragmentation pattern has been dis-cussed. For compounds 1~4, 2-aminoethoxy-, 2-methoxyethoxy-, 2-bromoe-thoxy-and 2-chloroethoxy-1, 2-oxaborolanes, the relative abundance of Mpeaks were correlated with different hetero-atoms, (N, O, Br and Cl). Be-tween borou and hetero-atom may be formed co-ordinate bond and inter-mo-lecular complex structure. Difficulty was encountered with determination ofthe mass spectrum of 2-phenyl-1, 2-oxaborolaue (12) due to its easy conver-sion to 2-pbenyloxy-1, 2-oxaborolane. The mass spectrum of compound (12)exhibited significant peak for ion m/z 91 C_7H_7~+, resulting from skeletal re-arrangement. The spectra of some 1, 2-oxaborolane and bis-(1, 2-oxaborolane)derivatives showed only weak molecular ions.