
A Proposal for Improving Ion Optics System of the Mass Spectrometer CH4

  • 摘要: 本文利用传输矩阵方法和TRANSPORT程序计算了CH4型质谱计的离子光学系统,并提出了一个改进该系统的方案。结果表明,只要在磁分析器的入口和出口处稍加改动(磁垫块)就可以实现离子束在水平方向的二级聚焦和在垂直方向的一级聚焦,从而使仪器的分辨本领和灵敏度都有较大的改善。


    Abstract: The ion optics system of the CH_4 type mass spectrometer is calculated byusing of matrix method and program TRANSPORT in this paper. A proposalfor improving the system is pressnted. It is shown that the ion beam can befocused with second order in horizontal direction and first order in verticaldirectiou, if magnetic shimming is made both at the entrance aud exit of theanalyzer. In such a case the resolving power and the sensitivity of the spec-trometer can be improved considerably.


