Analysis of the Digit Circuits of MAT Isotopic Mass Spectrometers
摘要: 本文以MAT261为例,系统分析了MAT同位素质谱仪数字电路的工作原理及特.点,为广大MAT系列质谱仪用户解决数字电路维修方面的难题提供参考,特别是对于准备改造仪岸的用户有一定的指导作用。Abstract: 篢he papar has systematically discussed the digit circuits of MAT isotopic mass spectrometer in details. It was divided four parts: interface and data collectors,system controller,DAC-16 magnet fieId controller,other parts (include test borad and other devices ). It is usefuI for the users of MAT isotopic mass spectrometer, when there are some wrongs in the digit circuits,especially when they want to modify the software or hardware of the instruments。