
The System of Scanning Control and Data Acquisition and Processing for ZHT-03 Mass Spectrometer

  • 摘要: 通过对ZHT-03质谱计电测电路的改进,利用数据采集卡及应用软件,实现了加速电压的连续扫描控制与数据采集处理。分析过程、即时数据、图谱、测试状态动态显示并自动完成结果计算与数据存储,精密度和准确度由改造前的0.5%、1.5%提高到0.149%、0.27%以上,极大地提高了ZHT-03质谱计的性能和自动化程度。


    Abstract: After improving the circuit of ZHT-03 mass spectrometer and using the cards of data acquisition and application software, the continuous accelerating voltage scanning control and the data acquisition were achieved. Furthermore, the real data, diagram, analytical state and results were displayed dynamically, and all the information of samples were stored as excel format. The results of standard samples show that the precision and accuracy are enhanced to 0.149%, 0.27% from previous 0.5%, 1.5%, respectively. As a result, the performance and the degree of automation of mass spectrometer are improved greatly.


