
To Process Sample of SSMS by Plasma of Cryogenic Hydrogen

  • 摘要: 本工作提出了用低温氢等离子体还原绝缘体样品使其导电的新方法,该法与掺导电粉的方法比较,有不易沾污样品、灵敏度高、减少试剂空白和干扰谱线等优点。为应用和对比,做了一些金属化合物的还原处理,并进行了火花源质谱分析,从提高还源速率的角度选择了最佳还原条件。


    Abstract: A new method which uses plasma of cryogenic hydrogen for reducing isolate sam-ple to obtain conductivity in spark source mass spectrometry has been presented. Com-pared with the method mixed conductive powder it has the advantages that the sample isnot easely contaminated; the sensitivity is higher; the blank and the disturbed spectrumlines are decreased. To applicate and compare, some metal compounds have been red-uced and analyzed by SSMS. The optimum conditions have been selected in order to in-crease the rate of reducation.


