
Structural Elucidation of a Deteriorative Substance in a Synthetic Medicine (Cui Xing Ning) by Using Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 本文报告了合成的治疗心脏病药物催醒宁(1)的变质物(2)的结构的低分辨质谱测定,找出了催醒宁在储存过程中颜色由白变黄的原因,变质物(2)是催醒宁(1)的空气氧化产物。


    Abstract: Structure of a deteriorative subatance (2) in a store synthetic medicine,Cui Xing Ning (催醒宁1), for heart disease has been elucidated by usinglow resolution mass spectrometrical technique and the cause of the medicinecolor changing from white to yellowish was exposed. The deteriorative subs-tance (2) is an atmospheric oxidation product of the medicine (1).


