
Separation and Characterization of 4 Related Impurities in Puerarin Bulk Drug by HPLC-UV-FTICRMS/MSn

  • 摘要: 采用高效液相色谱紫外检测器傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(HPLC-UV-FTICRMS/MSn)技术获得了葛根素及其有关物质的MSn和HRMS数据,分析其可能的裂解机制,推断有关物质的结构,并依据HRMS数据确证了有关物质及其部分碎片的分子组成,最终鉴定葛根素原料药中4种有关物质,其准分子离子峰M+H+分别为m/z 433.112 95、433.112 92、417.118 01和417.118 01,通过质谱裂解机制研究以及与文献数据的对比,推测它们的结构分别为3'-羟基葛根素、染料木素-8-C-葡萄糖苷、新葛根素B和新葛根素A。


    Abstract: The molecular structures and mechanism for the fragmentations of the related impurities were proposed by the MSn and HRMS results obtained by high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detector-fourier transform ion cyclotron resonace mass spectrometry(HPLC-UV-FTICRMS/MSn). The molecular compositions of the related impurities and some of the fragmentations were confirmed by the HRMS datas. Four related impurities in puerarin bulk drug were separated. Their M+H+ ion peaks are m/z 433.112 95, 433.112 92, 417.118 01 and 417.118 01, respectively. They are identified as 3’-hydoxypuerarin, genistin-8-C-glucoside, neopuerarin B and neopuerarin A on the basis of fragmentation mechanism and reference data.


