Profile Analysis of Semiconductor Discrete Companent with SIMS
摘要: 本文介绍SIMS技术在半导体分离器件剖析中的应用。通过深度分布分析,取得了晶体管有源区表面金属化层和内部掺杂层的深度分布曲线,据此获得晶体管试制的重要工艺参数——基区掺杂表面浓度值及其结深值。文中还讨论了一些存在问题。Abstract: This paper introduces SIMS applications in semiconductor discrete eompanent dissector. By depth analysis of the transistor resource area with SIMS, the depth profiles of surface metal coating and internal doping layer can be obtaind. Six pictures of two transistors are given in this paper. Depending on these profiles, we gain important technology parameters——surface concentration and depth of ion implantation in base area. Finally, some problems about this technique are discussed.