
Study on the Dynamic Change of Volatile Components in Herba Hyperici Japonici by HSGC/MS

  • 摘要: 探讨地耳草挥发性成分的动态积累,为确定地耳草的最佳采收期提供依据。采用HSGC/MS法分析不同采收时间地耳草挥发性成分,并用峰面积归一化法确定各成分的相对百分含量,以其中6种主要活性成分为指标,考察它们的动态变化。初步分离鉴定出48种成分,其中共有成分22种,不同生长期地耳草挥发性成分积累具有一定规律。地耳草挥发性成分积累曲线最大峰值与传统采收期基本一致。


    Abstract: To reaserarch the dynamic change of volatile components in Herba Hyperici Japonici, and provide scientific basis for determining the best collecting time, the volatile components of Herba Hyperici Japonici from different harvesting time were analyzed by HSGC/MS. The relative content of the components were determined with peak area normalization method, and the dynamic change of 6 main boiactive components were determined. The results show that 48 constituents are separated and identified. There are 22 co-containing compounds in Herba Hyperici Japonici from different harvesting time. The accumulation of volatile components show a regular pattern. The main volatile components in Herba Hyperici Japonici are the highest in the traditional harvesting time.


