
Development of the Analyzer for a Miniature Insert Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Array

  • 摘要: 结合我国可机加工陶瓷材料及其精密加工技术现状,提出独具特色的小型十六极阵列质谱计分析器的镶嵌式结构。根据分析器电极排列几何精度与质量范围、分辨率之间关系,提出设计要求,给出镶嵌式分析器整体和关键部件的结构设计,以及关键部件的测量结果。分析器的体积和重量为15.4 cm3和50.3 g,质量范围和质量分辨率为50 amu和1 amu。最后,展望了镶嵌式小型十六极阵列质谱计的应用前景。


    Abstract: A structure of a miniature insert analyzer for the quadrupole mass spectrometer array (QMSA) based on the present situation of the machinable ceramics and the ceramic precision machining in china was developed and designed. The machining precision of the rods was required on the basis of the relation of mass range and mass resolution of QMSA. The total configuration and the key components of the inset analyzer were signed and mun-ufactured. The key componts were checked and measured. The size and weight of a miniature insert analyzer is 15. 4 cm3 and 50. 3 g. The mass range and mass resolution of analyzer is 50 aum and 1 amu, respectively. Finally, the application prospect of the miniature quadrupole mass spectrometer array was expected.


