
Analysis of Endocrine Disruptors in Water by Solid Phase Extraction-Liquid Chromatography-Ion Trap Mass/Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 采用固相萃取 -液相色谱离子阱二级质谱技术对水环境中三种内分泌干扰物双酚 A(BPA )、1 7β-雌二醇 (E2 )和 1 7α-乙炔基雌二醇 (EE2 )进行了分析。结果表明 :BPA、E2二级质谱的分析结果与文献中一致 ,而EE2则与文献中结果不同 ;BPA、E2和 EE2三种物质的二级质谱定量离子分别为 m/ z 2 1 2、m/ z 1 45和 m/ z1 83、m/ z2 67;离子阱二级质谱对 BPA、E2和 EE2三种内分泌干扰物的最低检出限分别为 8μg/ L、2 8μg/ L和 1 6μg/ L;饮用水、地表水和地下水水样中常见离子、天然有机物含量和水样 p H均会对 BPA、E2和 EE2回收率产生影响 ,BPA、E2和 EE2在不同水样中的回收率 (r)大小顺序为 :r(去离子水 ) >r(地下水 ) >r(地表水 )。


    Abstract: A sensitive method was developed for the analysis of three endocrine-disrupting compounds including bisphenol A (BPA), 17β-estradiol (E2), and 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) using liquid chromatography-ion trap mass/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) coupled with solid phase extraction (SPE). The results showed that the MS/MS spectra of BPA and E2 are the same as the results reported, while the MS/MS spectra of EE2 is different from that presented in the literatures. The quantitative analysis for BPA, E2, and EE2 were conducted using the fragment ions of m/z 212, m/z 145 and m/z 183, and m/z 267, respectively. The detection limits of 8μg/L for BPA, 28μg/L for E2, and 16μg/L for EE2 by (LC-MS/MS) were achieved. The concentration of common ions and natural organic matters and pH in drinking water, surface water, groundwater samples have effects on recoveries of selected endocrine disruptors, and recoveries (r) of BPA, E2, and EE2 are in the order of r(de-ionized water) > r(underground water) > r(surface water).


