
Analytical Mehtod for Aromatic Amine in Water Using Solid-Phase Extraction and GC/MS

  • 摘要: 采用固相萃取-气相色谱质谱法分析了水中24种致癌芳香胺的含量,结果表明,该方法的检出限低于0.36 μg/L。固相萃取的优化条件为:选用Envi-chromp固相萃取小柱,水样pH 8~10,二氯甲烷洗脱2次。绝大多数芳香胺的空白水样加标回收率在88.8%~111.8%之间,标准偏差为6.8%~9.9%。对浙江省13个饮用水源地的地表水进行检测,均未检出24种致癌芳香胺。降解实验表明,大多数芳香胺化合物在水中能稳定存在14 d以上。


    Abstract: Twenty four aromatic amines were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) coupled the solid-phase extraction (SPE) technology. The result shows that the method is reliability, sensitivity and accuracy. The detection limitation is lower than 0.36 μg/L. The optimum SPE conditions was Envi-chromp colume and pH 8—10 water, eluted two times with CH2Cl2. The average recovery of most compounds in blank water is 88.8%—111.8%, and RSD is 6.8%—9.9%. Thirteen drink waters were detected using this method. The result is that all target compounds are under detection limit. It is indicated in degradation test, and most aromatic amine are stable in water for more than fourteen days.


