
  • 摘要: 本工作利用一台不作任何较大改动的CAMECA-IMS-3f扇形磁铁型二次离子质谱仪对传统的离子散射谱(ISS)分析技术进行了适当的变通,并对二次离子质谱分析(SIMS)的深度剖析谱进行了浓度定标。在保留SIMS分析高灵敏度、高深度分辨率的前提下,实现了对块体样品中的掺杂元素的SIMS定量深度剖析。通过与离子注入机标称的注入剂量及卢瑟福背散射的定量分析结果相比较,本方法的定量准确度一般好于10%。而精确度则好于5%。本文对该方法的背景、基本原理、实验方法,准确度及优缺点等进行了较详细的讨论。


    Abstract: A Quantitative SIMS Depth Profiling Method Calibrated by a Modified ISS TechniqueSong Linggen; Zhang Yongxia; Cai Lei; ZongXiangfu(Materials Science Department, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433,China)Abstract: Quantitative depth profiling aims at determining the concentration of a given element and also its distribution in depth of a given sample. Traditional ion Scattring Spectroscopy (ISS) was modified to quatitatively calibrate depth profiles acquired by Secondary ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). Checked by Ruther fold Backscattering (RBS)technique,the accuracy and precision of aforementioned analysis is better than 10% andwithin 5%, respectively. The technical background, basic principle, experimental procedure, advantages and disadvantages of this method were discused in details.Keywords: ISS; SIMS; Quantification


