
  • 摘要: 本文对糖结构研究的重要性、作者等人近年来用化学衍生和快原子轰击质谱相结合的方法区分自然界常见的11种单糖的立体异构体、14个寡糖中单糖的立体异构体和连接方式以及用于6对葡萄糖甙和半乳糖甙的区分作一简单的介绍。文章还介绍了寡糖和多糖的甲基化分析方法,从气相色谱的保留时间和质谱谱图判断单糖的组成和连接位置。


    Abstract: Structure of Saccharides and their Mass Spectrometric AnalysisFang Yiwei(Institute of Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China) Received Abstract:In this paper,the research work on structure elucidation of saccharides including identification of stereoisomers of eleven monosaccharides,differentiation of six glucosides and six galactosides,and analysis of linkage positions and isomers of monosaccharide units in fourteen oligosaccharides by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry(FABMS) in combination with the stereoselective derivatization with substituted boronic acid,RH(OH)2 are reported.The analysis method for methylation of sugers and identification of the components and linkage types by retention times of gas chromatograph and mass spectra are reported too.Keywords:structure of saccharides,stereoisomer,linkage position,chemical derivatization,mass spectrometry.


