
  • 摘要: 本文以四甲基硅烷/甲烷混合反应气,采用DEP技术,测定12个金属血卟啉络合物的解吸化学电离质谱。通过分子离子MH+,加合离子(M十73)+,以及吡咯环碎片离子可获得丰富的结构信息。


    Abstract: DEP-TMS/CH_4-CI Mass Spectrometry of Metallohematoporphyrin ComplexesHuang Yunping; Zhang Wei;Chen Peiqing; Hu Yaoming; Lin Zisen(Center of Analysis and Measurement, Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,Chian)Received Abstract:Desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry of twelve metallohematoporphyrin complexes has been investigated under DEP condition using mixture of tetramethylsilane and methane as regent gas.Much structure information is obtained on the base of the molecular ion MH+,the additive ions M+ 73+ and the pyrrolic fragment ions.Keywords:metallohematoporphyrin complexes,DEP-TMS/CH_4-CI mass spectrometry,tetramethylsilane,methane


