Mass Spectra of Ferrocenylethylene Formacyl DerivativesFu Guixiang;Yu Lu; Huang Jiling (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200032, China)Received 1993-06-04 Abstract:The mass spectra of the title compounds have been reported. The fragmentation patterns and the structure of fragment ion have been examined by means of the MS/MS technique and high resolution mass spectrometer. The major ions presented in all spectra are moleculars ion and M-C5H5+ ion. The rearrangement reaction of the R group has been observed. The spectral patterns of the title compounds are temperature sensitive. Some of the ions ill the spectra and hydrogenation seem to be formed in more high temperature of t.he sample heater.Keywords: ferrocenylelthylene formacyl, HRMS, MS/MS.