Investigation of Dimeric Porphyrins by FABMS and MALDMSYao Zhongping;Wen Hanhui;He Weide;Zhong Feng;Zhao Shanksi(Instrumentation Analysis & Research Center,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China)Huang Jinwang(Department of Chemistry,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China)Abstract:The fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry(FABMS)and matrix assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry (MALDMS ) of three dimeric porphyrins have been stu died and compared. The results indicate that,MALDMS is a more effective soft ionization method for providing molecular weight information of dimeric porphyrins,and its spectrum is simple and clear;while FABMS is better in providing fragmentation information of bridge chain in dimeric porphyrins.Keywords: dimeric porphyrin,FABMS,MALDMS