Analysis of Nonvolatile Chlorinated Compounds in Tap Water by GC/MSZhang Yinhua; Wen Gengfang;Wu Lingsong(Institute of Hydrobiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430072,China)Liu Shiliang;Zhang Huijuan;He Shangpu(School of Public Health,Tongji Medical University,Wuhan 430030,China)Received Abstract:The nonvolatile chlorinated compounds in tap water were investigated.The tap water samples were first enriched by XAD-2 and XAD-8(1:1)mixed resins on-site and then extracted with CH2Cl2 and analyzed by capillary GC/MS.28 chlorinated organic compounds were detected from summer sample and one from winter sample.7 chlorinated organic compounds of them were derivated from the N-pheny1-2-naphthylamine(PBNA) that often used in rubber,greases and oils as antioxidant.Keywords:nonvolatile chlorinated compounds,tap water,GC/MS analysis.