
Analysis of Mustard Gas and Its Hydrolyzate in Soil by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 建立了土壤样品中的芥子气(HS)及其降解产物硫二甘醇(TDG)气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)分析方法。选择二氯甲烷为土壤中HS的萃取剂,亚氟蒸馏水为TDG的萃取剂,HS和TDG的萃取率分别为89.4%和93.2%,相对标准偏差为4.18%和4.32%。土壤样品中HS和TDG含量分别为0.38~0.48μg/g和3.04~3.88 μg/g,最低检出限为0.004μg/g和0.02 μg/g(3σ,n=5)。应用GC/MS对染毒土样品中HS和TDG进行了检测,初步探讨了其质谱裂解特点和规律。结果表明:该方法操作简便、准确、灵敏度高。


    Abstract: The analytical method of dichlorodimethyl sulfide (HS) and its hydrolysis prod-uct-thiodigycol (TDG) in the contaminated soil samples were established by gas chromatog-raphy-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The HS and TDG were extracted with dichlorometh-ane and sub-boiling water, respectively. The recovery ratio in the soil was 89. 4% and 93. 2% , the relative standard deviation was 4. 18 % and 4. 32%, respectively. The concentrations of HS and TDG in the contaminated soil samples were 0. 38 - 0. 48 μg/g and 3. 04-3. 88 μg/g. The detection limits of HS and TDG were 0. 004 μg/g and 0. 020 μg/g (3σ,n= 5), respectively. GC/MS was performed to determine HS and TDG in the poisonous soil. The characteristics of the molecular ion peaks, base peaks and other fragment ions in their were discussed. The analyses results indicate that the method established is convenient, accurate and sensitive.


