
  • 摘要: 在研究2-异唑啉衍生物的电子轰击((EI)质谱时,发现在四极质谱仪上测试,其质谱图中不出现分子离子峰而产生非常特征的M十3峰,而在高分辨磁质谱仪上测试,则出现M+2峰,同样没有分子离子峰,这种现象在一般有机化合物的质谱中是罕见的。在磁质谱仪上研究了样品汽化温度对M+2峰的影响,并利用高分辨质谱数据研究其裂解机理。


    Abstract: M+2 or M+3 Ion Peaks in the EI Mass Spectra of2─Isoxazoline DerivativesFu Guixiang; Li Chaozhong;Qi Weinian;Wu Yuanwei(Shanghai institute of Organic Chmistry,Chinese Academy ofSciences, Shanghai 200032, China )Received 1994-07-20Abstract:The EI mass spectra of 2-isoxazoline deravetives exhibit stong M+2 (or M+3) ionpeaks and do not show any molecular ion peaks. The relationship between the intensitiesof M+2 ion peaks and the evaporation temperature has been investigated. In order tounderstand the structure of M+2 inos and the other fragment ions,the high resolutionmass spectra of compound 1 and 3 have been examined.Keywords: 2-isoxazoline, EIMS, HRMS.


