Comparative Determination of Argon Isotopic Composition in Natural Gas and Data Analysis
摘要: 近年实验室研制了高精度、超高真空的净化系统与VG5400质谱计在线连接,实现了天然气中He、Ar同位素的在线测量。在测量过程中为杜绝进样过程的氩同位素质量分馏效应,本次工作采用了“分段静态平衡移样”法,提高了天然气中氩同位素测量的精度。应国家重大基础研究“973”天然气项目的要求和安排,对过去测量过氩同位素的一批钢瓶样(51个)进行了对比测量分析。研究结果表明,过去测量过程中存在空气本底的污染和同位素分馏效应,但两次测量结果有73%的数据在估算源岩年代公式的数据误差范围之内,本实验室认为原测量数据能够满足源岩地质年代段的粗略估算要求。另外,对比研究结果还表明,过去认为同一样品40Ar/36Ar测量结果较高值是正确的这一说法是不全面的。Abstract: The progress of oil gas geochemistry has been accelerated by the development of determination on argon isotopic composition in recent years. The main difficulty with determination on argon isotopic composition in natural gas is the presence of atmospheric argon as a ubiquitous contaminant. This problem can be partially alleviated by the high vacuum purification and separation system designed in this work. On the request of “973” reseach project, some natural gas samples determined by ZHT1301 and MAT 271 mass spectrometry ten years ago are measured. By comparison between the new data and old determinations, it is found that the old measurement was contaminated by the high background and the method of sample transferred with the isotopic fractionation and about 73% of the old data can be used to calculate the source rock age. During determination of argon isotope in this work, a method called “transferring sample under tranquil state by different intervals” is used for avoiding the isotopic fractionation during the moving of sample to analytical room.