
Analysis of Chemical Component of Volatile Oil From Turmeric by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 采用水蒸气蒸馏法从姜黄中提取挥发化学成分 ,并用气相色谱 -质谱 ( GC/MS)联用技术分离和鉴定姜黄挥发油的化学成分。结果表明 :分离出 5 0余个色谱峰 ,共鉴定出 43种物质 ,用峰面积归一法确定各物质相对含量。在已鉴定的组分中 ,烃类化合物 2 3种 ,占被测总量的 40 .85 % ,主要物质为β-姜黄烯 ( 1 1 .48% ) ,β-倍半水芹烯 ( 9.5 2 % ) ;含氧有机化合物 1 8种 ,占被测总量的 5 8.95 % ,主要成分为 L-香芹醇 ( 2 0 .63 % )、6,6-二甲基 -双环 3 ,1 ,1庚 -2 -烯 -乙醇、4-氰基 -2 ,2 -二甲基 -1 -亚甲基 -环戊烷。


    Abstract: The volatile oil was extracted from turmeric using steam distillation. More than fifty kinds of peaks were separated, and 43 species of compounds were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The relative contents of these compounds were calculated using square peaks to normalization. Among the 43 species of identified compounds, there are 23 kinds of hydrocarbon compounds which are mainly β-curcumene(11.48%) and β-sesquiphellandrene(9.52%), and 18 species of oxygenated hydrocarbon derivatives which are mainly L-carveol(20.63%), 6,6-dimethy-l-(21.85%)-bicyclo3,1,1hept-2-ene-ethanol, 4-cyano-2,2-dimethyl-1-methylene-cyclopentane(11 68%).


